Saturday, October 8, 2011

Breaking Promises

I'm unfortunately breaking promises to Wynn.  :(  She is bored with her new isolated rural life and seemed to be looking forward to today.  I had told her that we would watch Gabrian play football (soccer) and go to town.  Unfortunately, Gabrian was vomiting last night and alternately sleeping and grumping the day away with ibuprofen today.  At exactly the same time I was typing into google translate how to tell her that Gabrian was sick, she came up with the iPad and message, "I do not get to go to football today?"  No, honey.  Sorry.  Gabrian was really bummed too.


  1. Sounds like she needs a trip to visit Auntie!!

  2. soon she will be going to town with you...and there is always something going on at work! I hope that our green eyed goonie is feeling better and that it doesn't rush through the troops
