Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Bit of a Goosebump Story

On September 5, shortly before we left to go meet Wynn in China, I received an e-mail from a young lady who said she had been adopted a day before her 14th birthday.  She had heard from her mother that I was adopting and wanted to offer assistance to our daughter when we came back to America.  Some of the information she had was not quite right.  She heard that our daughter was from a very small orphanage and was the only child in the orphanage.  (I do believe that I have read the blog of the other family with whom we had been confused.)  :)

Anyway, I held onto this e-mail as a future reference for Wynn, but teaching Wynn computer correspondence has been slow-going, so I haven't tried to connect these girls yet.

Today, I was blog surfing.  A blog that I follow had a list of blogs that they follow . . . and one of them had Kunming in the title, so I clicked on it.  After reading for a moment, I realized that the last name on the "about me" was familiar.  It was the same name as the the young lady had who e-mailed me in September.  This family adopted 2 children at the same time, one from Kunming, and one from elsewhere.  I was scanning old blog posts to try to discover which child was from Kunming, but before I could find my answer, Wynn glanced over my shoulder and said, "Stop!  My friend!"

She recognized the referral picture of, yes, the same young lady who e-mailed me in September!  She got the translator and showed me the word "neighbor," while saying in English, "We play together."  She used the translator again to say, "knitting wool."  She said, "Her mother very good at this.  She help my mother.  We go there almost every day."

I sent an e-mail to the other family and can't wait to see if Wynn and this friend from her past would like to e-mail, Facebook, or talk on the phone.

What a wonderful God who can make a world at once so big and so small and then helps us navigate it!


  1. Only God can knit out paths together like that! Awesome!

  2. Freaky! Of all the people in all the places (let alone China!).

  3. Thank you Lord for Your great goodness to us1 Thank you for our precious Wynn and help to connect her with her former neighbor.
    This entire journey has been so amazing and by His grace continues to be.
    I am very happy for you Wynn!

  4. Definately a GOD thing!!!

  5. Wow! How absolutely awesome! Reva
