Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Orphanage Visit-

Today was different than I expected. I knew the visit to the Orphanage would be tough, and parts of it were. However it wasn’t what I expected. Wynn and her “closest” friend got to help label and divide up the presents. The orphanage director really didn’t seem to know any details of Wynn. It was very formal. After we got to ask our questions, we were informed that there were to be no pictures of the kids. We could just take pictures of the rooms and buildings. Yeah, whatever.

Although Wynn was seemingly fine, I was not. Rows and rows of beds. Rows and rows of cribs. Well-choreographed people in each room. All the other children safely tucked away were they could not be “disturbed”. Disturbed by what. It was morning and the place had a distinctly empty and formal feel. There was no laughter, no playing, really very few in sight.

They made a point of showing us how they changed their shoes to special shoes to keep the rooms clean. They chose some darling poster children. Then they took us to some of the special needs rooms. I think they thought we would avoid that room Bwahahhaah.. They couldn’t pry Lora out. Turns out she is quite difficult to pry away from a child. I think much like a pitbull, once her arms lock, she can’t let go.

After that the tour ended. I don’t know if it was supposed to, but we were ushered out. Whatever. It was orphanage theater.

Moments I will NEVER forget:

1. Watching Wynn leave the one friend she was allowed to see. Watching the friend from the bus as she peaked under the windows and Wynn and her exchanged last looks.
2. Prying the fingers off my finger from a child that was tied to a table. I’m sure it was effective therapy if I knew anything about therapy, but I guess I don’t.

After a quiet ride away from the orphanage we stopped at a Tea Shop. We got to sample oolong tea, jasmine tea, black tea, and pure tea. Pure tea is made from a tree and has no caffeine. It is also highly prized getting more valuable with age. It is best when it has sat at least 10 years. Then of course we were offered a chance to buy and encouraged to choose more as the wheeled and dealed trying to get more. We left with some black tea and a pee pee boy. I’ll have to show you what it does. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

Then we had mushroom hot-a-pot. They bring so much food it is absolutely crazy. We could eat on it for days. I’m assuming it is to impress us? This hot-o-pot was not as good as the first. It had mushrooms (okay) and a whole bunch of things thrown in that I just decided not to question too much. I decided details were probably best not known.

After lunch we hung out at the hotel, and then our guide returned so that we could take Wynn to the flower and bird market. It is a famous part of the city. Turns out she likes fish and snakes, not bunnies, hamsters, chipmunks, turtles, dogs, or any of the other small furry pets filling Lora’s pockets. Most of all she likes the snakes. The bigger the better. Lora has firmly informed me NO on the snakes. No exceptions.

We did some shopping on the way back on our own with Wynn. We managed some socks, underwear, and a pile of candy. Seems she has the hang of the smile and throw things in the cart trick. I love it.

Now we are just winding down for the evening. We are playing some games, watching TV, and using the computer. Wynn just offered me some of her candy. It’s another first as she generally only answers my questions, but doesn’t ask any back. Tiny steps towards trust.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, Lora and Wynn.
    I am SO happy for you all. I just got a chance to read up on this blog, although being kept in the loop by Denise and Chris alike along your journey. It's noted that there are daily triumphs and discoveries that continually bring you all closer together. God Bless you in safe travels back home. All my love. Marty
