Thursday, September 29, 2011

不要 Bùyào Birthday

Michael has gone out, bored to death with the hotel room.  We are supposed to be waiting here this afternoon for a confirmation call that Wynn's visa is ready for our begin-at-daybreak trip tomorrow.  So room service brought Wynn a tiny birthday cake and card.  She is not happy.  She did not want to celebrate with us.  The guide ordered it anyway and said it would be good for her.  Maybe when Michael gets back, I can find another  family who would like a little cake donation!

Update:  She asked if she could look at pictures, to I let her browse Picasa.  Then she asked if she could take some pictures.  I offered her the camera, but she just pointed at the computer.  I tried to say the computer does not take pictures.  Turns out, she just wants me to show her how to delete all pictures of her because she hates them.  No.  Those are mine.

So she threw a temper tantrum, knocked everything off the table, spilled snacks all over the floor, knocked the cake to the side and threw pillows at it.

BTW - you know where Michael is?  He left about an hour and a half ago to go get a massage.  I could literally kill both of them right now.


  1. Wynn is a beautiful girl! I found your blog a few days ago and I look forward to the day she is happy with her new family!

    I am adopting a 10 year old and possibly an aging out girl! Your blog will be an educational tool for me and what I might encounter. Thanks for sharing!

    Prayers and blessings!

  2. I too found your blog shortly after you arrived in China. We are also adopting a Wen - 12 years old in Beijing. I have been amazed at your patience. Praying for strength for you as Wynn works through her grieving. I can't help wondering if she had been told sooner, if she would have been able to work through some of this before your arrival.

  3. Ouch - tough day. I know it eventually will get better but is going to be trying time for awhile. Thinking if you both & keeping you in my prayers
